LeetCode in Kotlin

3413. Maximum Coins From K Consecutive Bags


There are an infinite amount of bags on a number line, one bag for each coordinate. Some of these bags contain coins.

You are given a 2D array coins, where coins[i] = [li, ri, ci] denotes that every bag from li to ri contains ci coins.

The segments that coins contain are non-overlapping.

You are also given an integer k.

Return the maximum amount of coins you can obtain by collecting k consecutive bags.

Example 1:

Input: coins = [[8,10,1],[1,3,2],[5,6,4]], k = 4

Output: 10


Selecting bags at positions [3, 4, 5, 6] gives the maximum number of coins: 2 + 0 + 4 + 4 = 10.

Example 2:

Input: coins = [[1,10,3]], k = 2

Output: 6


Selecting bags at positions [1, 2] gives the maximum number of coins: 3 + 3 = 6.



import kotlin.math.max

class Solution {
    fun maximumCoins(coins: Array<IntArray>, k: Int): Long {
        coins.sortWith { a: IntArray?, b: IntArray? -> a!![0] - b!![0] }
        val n = coins.size
        var res: Long = 0
        var cur: Long = 0
        var j = 0
        for (ints in coins) {
            while (j < n && coins[j][1] <= ints[0] + k - 1) {
                cur += (coins[j][1] - coins[j][0] + 1).toLong() * coins[j][2]
            if (j < n) {
                val part = max(0.0, (ints[0] + k - 1 - coins[j][0] + 1).toDouble()).toLong() * coins[j][2]
                res = max(res.toDouble(), (cur + part).toDouble()).toLong()
            cur -= (ints[1] - ints[0] + 1).toLong() * ints[2]
        cur = 0
        j = 0
        for (coin in coins) {
            cur += (coin[1] - coin[0] + 1).toLong() * coin[2]
            while (coins[j][1] < coin[1] - k + 1) {
                cur -= (coins[j][1] - coins[j][0] + 1).toLong() * coins[j][2]
            val part = max(0.0, (coin[1] - k - coins[j][0] + 1).toDouble()).toLong() * coins[j][2]
            res = max(res, (cur - part))
        return res