You are given an integer n
representing the dimensions of an n x n
grid, with the origin at the bottom-left corner of the grid. You are also given a 2D array of coordinates rectangles
, where rectangles[i]
is in the form [startx, starty, endx, endy]
, representing a rectangle on the grid. Each rectangle is defined as follows:
(startx, starty)
: The bottom-left corner of the rectangle.(endx, endy)
: The top-right corner of the rectangle.Note that the rectangles do not overlap. Your task is to determine if it is possible to make either two horizontal or two vertical cuts on the grid such that:
Return true
if such cuts can be made; otherwise, return false
Example 1:
Input: n = 5, rectangles = [[1,0,5,2],[0,2,2,4],[3,2,5,3],[0,4,4,5]]
Output: true
The grid is shown in the diagram. We can make horizontal cuts at y = 2
and y = 4
. Hence, output is true.
Example 2:
Input: n = 4, rectangles = [[0,0,1,1],[2,0,3,4],[0,2,2,3],[3,0,4,3]]
Output: true
We can make vertical cuts at x = 2
and x = 3
. Hence, output is true.
Example 3:
Input: n = 4, rectangles = [[0,2,2,4],[1,0,3,2],[2,2,3,4],[3,0,4,2],[3,2,4,4]]
Output: false
We cannot make two horizontal or two vertical cuts that satisfy the conditions. Hence, output is false.
3 <= n <= 109
3 <= rectangles.length <= 105
0 <= rectangles[i][0] < rectangles[i][2] <= n
0 <= rectangles[i][1] < rectangles[i][3] <= n
import kotlin.math.max
class Solution {
fun checkValidCuts(n: Int, rectangles: Array<IntArray>): Boolean {
val m = rectangles.size
val xAxis = Array<IntArray>(m) { IntArray(2) }
val yAxis = Array<IntArray>(m) { IntArray(2) }
var ind = 0
for (axis in rectangles) {
val startX = axis[0]
val startY = axis[1]
val endX = axis[2]
val endY = axis[3]
xAxis[ind] = intArrayOf(startX, endX)
yAxis[ind] = intArrayOf(startY, endY)
Comparator { a: IntArray, b: IntArray -> if (a[0] == b[0]) a[1] - b[1] else a[0] - b[0] },
Comparator { a: IntArray, b: IntArray -> if (a[0] == b[0]) a[1] - b[1] else a[0] - b[0] },
val verticalCuts = findSections(xAxis)
if (verticalCuts > 2) {
return true
val horizontalCuts = findSections(yAxis)
return horizontalCuts > 2
private fun findSections(axis: Array<IntArray>): Int {
var end = axis[0][1]
var sections = 1
for (i in 1..<axis.size) {
if (end > axis[i][0]) {
end = max(end, axis[i][1])
} else {
end = axis[i][1]
if (sections > 2) {
return sections
return sections