LeetCode in Kotlin

3316. Find Maximum Removals From Source String


You are given a string source of size n, a string pattern that is a subsequence of source, and a sorted integer array targetIndices that contains distinct numbers in the range [0, n - 1].

We define an operation as removing a character at an index idx from source such that:

Performing an operation does not change the indices of the other characters in source. For example, if you remove 'c' from "acb", the character at index 2 would still be 'b'.

Return the maximum number of operations that can be performed.

Example 1:

Input: source = “abbaa”, pattern = “aba”, targetIndices = [0,1,2]

Output: 1


We can’t remove source[0] but we can do either of these two operations:

Example 2:

Input: source = “bcda”, pattern = “d”, targetIndices = [0,3]

Output: 2


We can remove source[0] and source[3] in two operations.

Example 3:

Input: source = “dda”, pattern = “dda”, targetIndices = [0,1,2]

Output: 0


We can’t remove any character from source.

Example 4:

Input: source = “yeyeykyded”, pattern = “yeyyd”, targetIndices = [0,2,3,4]

Output: 2


We can remove source[2] and source[3] in two operations.



import kotlin.math.max

class Solution {
    fun maxRemovals(source: String, pattern: String, targetIndices: IntArray): Int {
        val sChars = source.toCharArray()
        val sn = sChars.size
        val pChars = ("$pattern#").toCharArray()
        val pn = pattern.length
        var tn = targetIndices.size
        val maxPat = IntArray(tn + 1)
        var i = 0
        var di = 0
        var nextTI = targetIndices[0]
        while (i < sn) {
            val c = sChars[i]
            if (i == nextTI) {
                maxPat[di + 1] = maxPat[di]
                var p = maxPat[di + 1]
                for (j in di downTo 1) {
                    val q = maxPat[j - 1]
                    maxPat[j] = if (c != pChars[p]) q else max((p + 1), q)
                    p = q
                if (c == pChars[p]) {
                    maxPat[0] = p + 1
                nextTI = if (++di < tn) targetIndices[di] else -1
            } else {
                for (j in 0..di) {
                    val p = maxPat[j]
                    if (c == pChars[p]) {
                        maxPat[j] = p + 1
        while (maxPat[tn] < pn) {
        return tn