There are some red and blue tiles arranged circularly. You are given an array of integers colors
and a 2D integers array queries
The color of tile i
is represented by colors[i]
colors[i] == 0
means that tile i
is red.colors[i] == 1
means that tile i
is blue.An alternating group is a contiguous subset of tiles in the circle with alternating colors (each tile in the group except the first and last one has a different color from its adjacent tiles in the group).
You have to process queries of two types:
queries[i] = [1, sizei]
, determine the count of alternating groups with size sizei
.queries[i] = [2, indexi, colori]
, change colors[indexi]
to colori
.Return an array answer
containing the results of the queries of the first type in order.
Note that since colors
represents a circle, the first and the last tiles are considered to be next to each other.
Example 1:
Input: colors = [0,1,1,0,1], queries = [[2,1,0],[1,4]]
Output: [2]
First query:
Change colors[1]
to 0.
Second query:
Count of the alternating groups with size 4:
Example 2:
Input: colors = [0,0,1,0,1,1], queries = [[1,3],[2,3,0],[1,5]]
Output: [2,0]
First query:
Count of the alternating groups with size 3:
Second query: colors
will not change.
Third query: There is no alternating group with size 5.
4 <= colors.length <= 5 * 104
0 <= colors[i] <= 1
1 <= queries.length <= 5 * 104
queries[i][0] == 1
or queries[i][0] == 2
queries[i][0] == 1
: queries[i].length == 2
, 3 <= queries[i][1] <= colors.length - 1
queries[i][0] == 2
: queries[i].length == 3
, 0 <= queries[i][1] <= colors.length - 1
, 0 <= queries[i][2] <= 1
import java.util.TreeMap
import kotlin.math.max
class Solution {
// Binary Indexed Tree (BIT) class.
private class BIT {
var bs: IntArray = IntArray(SZ)
// Update BIT: add value y to index x.
fun update(x: Int, y: Int) {
var x = x
x = OFFSET - x
while (x < SZ) {
bs[x] += y
x += x and -x
// Query BIT: get the prefix sum up to index x.
fun query(x: Int): Int {
var x = x
x = OFFSET - x
var ans = 0
while (x > 0) {
ans += bs[x]
x -= x and -x
return ans
// Clear BIT values starting from index x.
fun clear(x: Int) {
var x = x
x = OFFSET - x
while (x < SZ) {
bs[x] = 0
x += x and -x
// --- BIT wrapper methods ---
// Updates both BITs for a given group length.
private fun edt(x: Int, y: Int) {
// Second BIT is updated with x * y.
BITS[1].update(x, x * y)
// First BIT is updated with y.
BITS[0].update(x, y)
// Combines BIT queries to get the result for a given x.
private fun qry(x: Int): Int {
return BITS[1].query(x) + (1 - x) * BITS[0].query(x)
// Returns the length of a group from index x to y.
private fun len(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
return y - x + 1
// --- Group operations ---
// Removes a group (block) by updating BIT with a negative value.
private fun removeGroup(start: Int, end: Int) {
edt(len(start, end), -1)
// Adds a group (block) by updating BIT with a positive value.
private fun addGroup(start: Int, end: Int) {
edt(len(start, end), 1)
// Initializes the alternating groups using the colors array.
private fun initializeGroups(colors: IntArray, groups: TreeMap<Int?, Int?>) {
val n = colors.size
var i = 0
while (i < n) {
var r = i
// Determine the end of the current alternating group.
while (r < n && (colors[r] + colors[i] + r + i) % 2 == 0) {
// The group spans from index i to r-1.
groups.put(i, r - 1)
// Update BITs with the length of this group.
edt(r - i, 1)
// Skip to the end of the current group.
i = r - 1
// Processes a type 1 query: returns the number of alternating groups
// of at least the given size.
private fun processQueryType1(colors: IntArray, groups: TreeMap<Int?, Int?>, groupSize: Int): Int {
var ans = qry(groupSize)
val firstGroup = groups.firstEntry()
val lastGroup = groups.lastEntry()
// If there is more than one group and the first and last colors differ,
// adjust the answer by "merging" the groups at the boundaries.
if (firstGroup !== lastGroup && colors[0] != colors[colors.size - 1]) {
val leftLen = len(firstGroup.key!!, firstGroup.value!!)
val rightLen = len(lastGroup.key!!, lastGroup.value!!)
ans = (ans - max((leftLen - groupSize + 1).toDouble(), 0.0)).toInt()
ans = (ans - max((rightLen - groupSize + 1).toDouble(), 0.0)).toInt()
ans = (ans + max((leftLen + rightLen - groupSize + 1).toDouble(), 0.0)).toInt()
return ans
// Processes a type 2 query: updates the color at index x and adjusts groups.
private fun processQueryType2(
colors: IntArray,
groups: TreeMap<Int?, Int?>,
x: Int,
newColor: Int,
) {
if (colors[x] == newColor) {
// Update the color at index x.
colors[x] = newColor
// Find the group (block) that contains index x.
var it = groups.floorEntry(x)
val l: Int = it!!.key!!
val r: Int = it.value!!
// Remove the old group from BIT and map.
removeGroup(l, r)
var ml = x
var mr = x
// Process the left side of index x.
if (l != x) {
groups.put(l, x - 1)
addGroup(l, x - 1)
} else {
if (x > 0 && colors[x] != colors[x - 1]) {
it = groups.floorEntry(x - 1)
if (it != null) {
ml = it.key!!
removeGroup(it.key!!, it.value!!)
// Process the right side of index x.
if (r != x) {
groups.put(x + 1, r)
addGroup(x + 1, r)
} else {
if (x + 1 < colors.size && colors[x + 1] != colors[x]) {
it = groups.ceilingEntry(x + 1)
if (it != null) {
mr = it.value!!
removeGroup(it.key!!, it.value!!)
// Merge the affected groups into one new group.
groups.put(ml, mr)
addGroup(ml, mr)
// Clears both BITs. This is done after processing all queries.
private fun clearAllBITs(n: Int) {
for (i in 0..n + 2) {
// Main function to handle queries on alternating groups.
fun numberOfAlternatingGroups(colors: IntArray, queries: Array<IntArray>): MutableList<Int?> {
val groups = TreeMap<Int?, Int?>()
val n = colors.size
val results: MutableList<Int?> = ArrayList<Int?>()
// Initialize alternating groups.
initializeGroups(colors, groups)
// Process each query.
for (query in queries) {
if (query[0] == 1) {
// Type 1 query: count alternating groups of at least a given size.
val groupSize = query[1]
val ans = processQueryType1(colors, groups, groupSize)
} else {
// Type 2 query: update the color at a given index.
val index = query[1]
val newColor = query[2]
processQueryType2(colors, groups, index, newColor)
// Clear BITs after processing all queries.
return results
companion object {
private const val SZ = 63333
private const val OFFSET: Int = SZ - 10
private val BITS = arrayOf<BIT>(BIT(), BIT())