LeetCode in Kotlin

3169. Count Days Without Meetings


You are given a positive integer days representing the total number of days an employee is available for work (starting from day 1). You are also given a 2D array meetings of size n where, meetings[i] = [start_i, end_i] represents the starting and ending days of meeting i (inclusive).

Return the count of days when the employee is available for work but no meetings are scheduled.

Note: The meetings may overlap.

Example 1:

Input: days = 10, meetings = [[5,7],[1,3],[9,10]]

Output: 2


There is no meeting scheduled on the 4th and 8th days.

Example 2:

Input: days = 5, meetings = [[2,4],[1,3]]

Output: 1


There is no meeting scheduled on the 5th day.

Example 3:

Input: days = 6, meetings = [[1,6]]

Output: 0


Meetings are scheduled for all working days.



class Solution {
    fun countDays(days: Int, meetings: Array<IntArray>): Int {
        var availableDays: MutableList<IntArray> = ArrayList()
        availableDays.add(intArrayOf(1, days))
        // Iterate through each meeting
        for (meeting in meetings) {
            val start = meeting[0]
            val end = meeting[1]
            val newAvailableDays: MutableList<IntArray> = ArrayList()
            // Iterate through available days and split the intervals
            for (interval in availableDays) {
                if (start > interval[1] || end < interval[0]) {
                    // No overlap, keep the interval
                } else {
                    // Overlap, split the interval
                    if (interval[0] < start) {
                        newAvailableDays.add(intArrayOf(interval[0], start - 1))
                    if (interval[1] > end) {
                        newAvailableDays.add(intArrayOf(end + 1, interval[1]))
            availableDays = newAvailableDays
        // Count the remaining available days
        var availableDaysCount = 0
        for (interval in availableDays) {
            availableDaysCount += interval[1] - interval[0] + 1
        return availableDaysCount