LeetCode in Kotlin

3154. Find Number of Ways to Reach the K-th Stair


You are given a non-negative integer k. There exists a staircase with an infinite number of stairs, with the lowest stair numbered 0.

Alice has an integer jump, with an initial value of 0. She starts on stair 1 and wants to reach stair k using any number of operations. If she is on stair i, in one operation she can:

Return the total number of ways Alice can reach stair k.

Note that it is possible that Alice reaches the stair k, and performs some operations to reach the stair k again.

Example 1:

Input: k = 0

Output: 2


The 2 possible ways of reaching stair 0 are:

Example 2:

Input: k = 1

Output: 4


The 4 possible ways of reaching stair 1 are:



class Solution {
    fun waysToReachStair(k: Int): Int {
        var x = 1
        var y = 1
        var a = 0
        while (x > 0 && x - y <= k) {
            if (x >= k) {
                a += combi(y, x - k)
            x = x shl 1
        return a

    private fun combi(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
        var b = b
        if (b > a - b) {
            b = a - b
        var r: Long = 1
        for (i in 0 until b) {
            r *= (a - i).toLong()
            r /= (i + 1).toLong()
        return r.toInt()