LeetCode in Kotlin

3112. Minimum Time to Visit Disappearing Nodes


There is an undirected graph of n nodes. You are given a 2D array edges, where edges[i] = [ui, vi, lengthi] describes an edge between node ui and node vi with a traversal time of lengthi units.

Additionally, you are given an array disappear, where disappear[i] denotes the time when the node i disappears from the graph and you won’t be able to visit it.

Notice that the graph might be disconnected and might contain multiple edges.

Return the array answer, with answer[i] denoting the minimum units of time required to reach node i from node 0. If node i is unreachable from node 0 then answer[i] is -1.

Example 1:

Input: n = 3, edges = [[0,1,2],[1,2,1],[0,2,4]], disappear = [1,1,5]

Output: [0,-1,4]


We are starting our journey from node 0, and our goal is to find the minimum time required to reach each node before it disappears.

Example 2:

Input: n = 3, edges = [[0,1,2],[1,2,1],[0,2,4]], disappear = [1,3,5]

Output: [0,2,3]


We are starting our journey from node 0, and our goal is to find the minimum time required to reach each node before it disappears.

Example 3:

Input: n = 2, edges = [[0,1,1]], disappear = [1,1]

Output: [0,-1]


Exactly when we reach node 1, it disappears.



class Solution {
    fun minimumTime(n: Int, edges: Array<IntArray>, disappear: IntArray): IntArray {
        val dist = IntArray(n)
        var exit = false
        var src: Int
        var dest: Int
        var cost: Int
        dist[0] = 0
        var i = 0
        while (i < n && !exit) {
            exit = true
            for (edge in edges) {
                src = edge[0]
                dest = edge[1]
                cost = edge[2]
                if (dist[src] != -1 && dist[src] != Int.MAX_VALUE &&
                    dist[src] < disappear[src] && dist[src] + cost < dist[dest]
                ) {
                    exit = false
                    dist[dest] = dist[src] + cost
                if (dist[dest] != -1 && dist[dest] != Int.MAX_VALUE &&
                    dist[dest] < disappear[dest] && dist[dest] + cost < dist[src]
                ) {
                    exit = false
                    dist[src] = dist[dest] + cost
        i = 0
        while (i < dist.size) {
            if (dist[i] == Int.MAX_VALUE || dist[i] >= disappear[i]) {
                dist[i] = -1
        return dist