LeetCode in Kotlin

3040. Maximum Number of Operations With the Same Score II


Given an array of integers called nums, you can perform any of the following operation while nums contains at least 2 elements:

The score of the operation is the sum of the deleted elements.

Your task is to find the maximum number of operations that can be performed, such that all operations have the same score.

Return the maximum number of operations possible that satisfy the condition mentioned above.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [3,2,1,2,3,4]

Output: 3

Explanation: We perform the following operations:

We are unable to perform any more operations as nums is empty.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [3,2,6,1,4]

Output: 2

Explanation: We perform the following operations:

It can be proven that we can perform at most 2 operations.



import java.util.Objects
import kotlin.math.max

class Solution {
    private lateinit var nums: IntArray

    private var maxOps = 1

    private val dp: MutableMap<Pos, Int> = HashMap()

    private class Pos(var start: Int, var end: Int, var sum: Int) {
        override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
            if (other == null) {
                return false
            if (other !is Pos) {
                return false
            return start == other.start && end == other.end && sum == other.sum

        override fun hashCode(): Int {
            return Objects.hash(start, end, sum)

    fun maxOperations(nums: IntArray): Int {
        this.nums = nums
        val length = nums.size

        maxOperations(2, length - 1, nums[0] + nums[1], 1)
        maxOperations(0, length - 3, nums[length - 2] + nums[length - 1], 1)
        maxOperations(1, length - 2, nums[0] + nums[length - 1], 1)

        return maxOps

    private fun maxOperations(start: Int, end: Int, sum: Int, nOps: Int) {
        if (start >= end) {

        if ((((end - start) / 2) + nOps) < maxOps) {

        val pos = Pos(start, end, sum)
        val posNops = dp[pos]
        if (posNops != null && posNops >= nOps) {
        dp[pos] = nOps
        if (nums[start] + nums[start + 1] == sum) {
            maxOps = max(maxOps, (nOps + 1))
            maxOperations(start + 2, end, sum, nOps + 1)
        if (nums[end - 1] + nums[end] == sum) {
            maxOps = max(maxOps, (nOps + 1))
            maxOperations(start, end - 2, sum, nOps + 1)
        if (nums[start] + nums[end] == sum) {
            maxOps = max(maxOps, (nOps + 1))
            maxOperations(start + 1, end - 1, sum, nOps + 1)