LeetCode in Kotlin

2931. Maximum Spending After Buying Items


You are given a 0-indexed m * n integer matrix values, representing the values of m * n different items in m different shops. Each shop has n items where the jth item in the ith shop has a value of values[i][j]. Additionally, the items in the ith shop are sorted in non-increasing order of value. That is, values[i][j] >= values[i][j + 1] for all 0 <= j < n - 1.

On each day, you would like to buy a single item from one of the shops. Specifically, On the dth day you can:

Note that all items are pairwise different. For example, if you have bought item 0 from shop 1, you can still buy item 0 from any other shop.

Return the maximum amount of money that can be spent on buying all m * n products.

Example 1:

Input: values = [[8,5,2],[6,4,1],[9,7,3]]

Output: 285

Explanation: On the first day, we buy product 2 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][2] * 1 = 1.

On the second day, we buy product 2 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][2] * 2 = 4.

On the third day, we buy product 2 from shop 2 for a price of values[2][2] * 3 = 9.

On the fourth day, we buy product 1 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][1] * 4 = 16.

On the fifth day, we buy product 1 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][1] * 5 = 25.

On the sixth day, we buy product 0 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][0] * 6 = 36.

On the seventh day, we buy product 1 from shop 2 for a price of values[2][1] * 7 = 49.

On the eighth day, we buy product 0 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][0] * 8 = 64.

On the ninth day, we buy product 0 from shop 2 for a price of values[2][0] * 9 = 81.

Hence, our total spending is equal to 285.

It can be shown that 285 is the maximum amount of money that can be spent buying all m * n products.

Example 2:

Input: values = [[10,8,6,4,2],[9,7,5,3,2]]

Output: 386

Explanation: On the first day, we buy product 4 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][4] * 1 = 2.

On the second day, we buy product 4 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][4] * 2 = 4.

On the third day, we buy product 3 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][3] * 3 = 9.

On the fourth day, we buy product 3 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][3] * 4 = 16.

On the fifth day, we buy product 2 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][2] * 5 = 25.

On the sixth day, we buy product 2 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][2] * 6 = 36.

On the seventh day, we buy product 1 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][1] * 7 = 49.

On the eighth day, we buy product 1 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][1] * 8 = 64

On the ninth day, we buy product 0 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][0] * 9 = 81.

On the tenth day, we buy product 0 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][0] * 10 = 100.

Hence, our total spending is equal to 386.

It can be shown that 386 is the maximum amount of money that can be spent buying all m * n products.



class Solution {
    private class Node {
        var `val`: Int = -1
        var next: Node? = null

        constructor(`val`: Int) {
            this.`val` = `val`


    fun maxSpending(values: Array<IntArray>): Long {
        val m = values.size
        val n = values[0].size
        val head = Node()
        var node: Node? = head
        for (j in n - 1 downTo 0) {
            node!!.next = Node(values[0][j])
            node = node.next
        for (i in 1 until m) {
            node = head
            for (j in n - 1 downTo 0) {
                while (node!!.next != null && node.next!!.`val` <= values[i][j]) {
                    node = node.next
                val next = node.next
                node.next = Node(values[i][j])
                node = node.next
                node!!.next = next
        var res: Long = 0
        var day: Long = 1
        node = head.next
        while (node != null) {
            res += day * node.`val`
            node = node.next
        return res