LeetCode in Kotlin

2888. Reshape Data: Concatenate


DataFrame df1

| Column Name | Type   | 
| student_id  | int    | 
| name        | object | 
| age         | int    | 

DataFrame df2

| Column Name | Type   | 
| student_id  | int    | 
| name        | object | 
| age         | int    | 

Write a solution to concatenate these two DataFrames vertically into one DataFrame.

The result format is in the following example.

Example 1:

Input: df1

| student_id | name    | age | 
| 1          | Mason   | 8   | 
| 2          | Ava     | 6   | 
| 3          | Taylor  | 15  | 
| 4          | Georgia | 17  | 


| student_id | name | age | 
| 5          | Leo  | 7   | 
| 6          | Alex | 7   | 


| student_id | name    | age | 
| 1          | Mason   | 8   | 
| 2          | Ava     | 6   | 
| 3          | Taylor  | 15  | 
| 4          | Georgia | 17  | 
| 5          | Leo     | 7   | 
| 6          | Alex    | 7   | 

Explanation: The two DataFramess are stacked vertically, and their rows are combined.


import pandas as pd

def concatenateTables(df1: pd.DataFrame, df2: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True)