LeetCode in Kotlin

2887. Fill Missing Data


DataFrame products

| Column Name | Type   | 
| name        | object | 
| quantity    | int    | 
| price       | int    | 

Write a solution to fill in the missing value as **0** in the quantity column.

The result format is in the following example.

Example 1:


| name            | quantity | price | 
| Wristwatch      | None     | 135   | 
| WirelessEarbuds | None     | 821   | 
| GolfClubs       | 779      | 9319  | 
| Printer         | 849      | 3051  | 


| name            | quantity | price | 
| Wristwatch      | 0        | 135   | 
| WirelessEarbuds | 0        | 821   | 
| GolfClubs       | 779      | 9319  | 
| Printer         | 849      | 3051  | 

Explanation: The quantity for Wristwatch and WirelessEarbuds are filled by 0.


import pandas as pd

def fillMissingValues(products: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    products['quantity'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    return products