LeetCode in Kotlin

2788. Split Strings by Separator


Given an array of strings words and a character separator, split each string in words by separator.

Return an array of strings containing the new strings formed after the splits, excluding empty strings.


Example 1:

Input: words = [“one.two.three”,”four.five”,”six”], separator = “.”

Output: [“one”,”two”,”three”,”four”,”five”,”six”]


In this example we split as follows: “one.two.three” splits into

“one”, “two”, “three” “four.five” splits into

“four”, “five” “six” splits into “six”

Hence, the resulting array is [“one”,”two”,”three”,”four”,”five”,”six”].

Example 2:

Input: words = [“$easy$”,”$problem$”], separator = “$”

Output: [“easy”,”problem”]


In this example we split as follows:

“$easy$” splits into “easy” (excluding empty strings)

“$problem$” splits into “problem” (excluding empty strings)

Hence, the resulting array is [“easy”,”problem”].

Example 3:

Input: words = [”|||”], separator = “|”

Output: []


In this example the resulting split of “|||” will contain only empty strings, so we return an empty array [].



class Solution {
    fun splitWordsBySeparator(words: List<String>, separator: Char): List<String> {
        val list: MutableList<String> = ArrayList()
        for (str in words) {
            var si = 0
            for (i in str.indices) {
                if (str[i] == separator) {
                    if (i > si) {
                        list.add(str.substring(si, i))
                    si = i + 1
            if (si != str.length) {
                list.add(str.substring(si, str.length))
        return list