LeetCode in Kotlin

2705. Compact Object


Given an object or array obj, return a compact object. A compact object is the same as the original object, except with keys containing falsy values removed. This operation applies to the object and any nested objects. Arrays are considered objects where the indices are keys. A value is considered falsy when Boolean(value) returns false.

You may assume the obj is the output of JSON.parse. In other words, it is valid JSON.

Example 1:

Input: obj = [null, 0, false, 1]

Output: [1]

Explanation: All falsy values have been removed from the array.

Example 2:

Input: obj = {“a”: null, “b”: [false, 1]}

Output: {“b”: [1]}

Explanation: obj[“a”] and obj[“b”][0] had falsy values and were removed.

Example 3:

Input: obj = [null, 0, 5, [0], [false, 16]]

Output: [5, [], [16]]

Explanation: obj[0], obj[1], obj[3][0], and obj[4][0] were falsy and removed.



type Obj = Record<any, any>

function compactObject(obj: Obj): Obj {
    if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
        let retArr = []
        obj.forEach((e, idx) => {
            if (e) {
        return retArr
    } else if (obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object') {
        let retObj = {}
        for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
            if (obj[key]) {
                retObj[key] = compactObject(obj[key])
        return retObj
    return obj

export { compactObject }