LeetCode in Kotlin

2694. Event Emitter


Design an EventEmitter class. This interface is similar (but with some differences) to the one found in Node.js or the Event Target interface of the DOM. The EventEmitter should allow for subscribing to events and emitting them.

Your EventEmitter class should have the following two methods:

Example 1:

Input: actions = [“EventEmitter”, “emit”, “subscribe”, “subscribe”, “emit”], values = [[], [“firstEvent”, “function cb1() { return 5; }”], [“firstEvent”, “function cb1() { return 6; }”], [“firstEvent”]]

Output: [[],[“emitted”,[]],[“subscribed”],[“subscribed”],[“emitted”,[5,6]]]


const emitter = new EventEmitter(); 
emitter.emit("firstEvent"); // [], no callback are subscribed yet 
emitter.subscribe("firstEvent", function cb1() { return 5; }); 
emitter.subscribe("firstEvent", function cb2() { return 6; }); 
emitter.emit("firstEvent"); // [5, 6], returns the output of cb1 and cb2

Example 2:

Input: actions = [“EventEmitter”, “subscribe”, “emit”, “emit”], values = [[], [“firstEvent”, “function cb1(…args) { return args.join(‘,’); }”], [“firstEvent”, [1,2,3]], [“firstEvent”, [3,4,6]]]

Output: [[],[“subscribed”],[“emitted”,[“1,2,3”]],[“emitted”,[“3,4,6”]]]

Explanation: Note that the emit method should be able to accept an OPTIONAL array of arguments.

const emitter = new EventEmitter(); 
emitter.subscribe("firstEvent, function cb1(...args) { return args.join(','); }); 
emitter.emit("firstEvent", [1, 2, 3]); // ["1,2,3"] 
emitter.emit("firstEvent", [3, 4, 6]); // ["3,4,6"]

Example 3:

Input: actions = [“EventEmitter”, “subscribe”, “emit”, “unsubscribe”, “emit”], values = [[], [“firstEvent”, “(…args) => args.join(‘,’)”], [“firstEvent”, [1,2,3]], [0], [“firstEvent”, [4,5,6]]]

Output: [[],[“subscribed”],[“emitted”,[“1,2,3”]],[“unsubscribed”,0],[“emitted”,[]]]


const emitter = new EventEmitter(); 
const sub = emitter.subscribe("firstEvent", (...args) => args.join(',')); 
emitter.emit("firstEvent", [1, 2, 3]); // ["1,2,3"] sub.unsubscribe(); // undefined 
emitter.emit("firstEvent", [4, 5, 6]); // [], there are no subscriptions

Example 4:

Input: actions = [“EventEmitter”, “subscribe”, “subscribe”, “unsubscribe”, “emit”], values = [[], [“firstEvent”, “x => x + 1”], [“firstEvent”, “x => x + 2”], [0], [“firstEvent”, [5]]]

Output: [[],[“subscribed”],[“emitted”,[“1,2,3”]],[“unsubscribed”,0],[“emitted”,[7]]]


const emitter = new EventEmitter(); 
const sub1 = emitter.subscribe("firstEvent", x => x + 1); 
const sub2 = emitter.subscribe("firstEvent", x => x + 2); 
sub1.unsubscribe(); // undefined 
emitter.emit("firstEvent", [5]); // [7]



type Callback = (...args: any[]) => any
type Subscription = {
    unsubscribe: () => void

class EventEmitter {
    subs: Record<string, Callback[]> = {}

    subscribe(eventName: string, callback: Callback): Subscription {
        if (!this.subs[eventName]) this.subs[eventName] = []
        const idx = this.subs[eventName].push(callback) - 1
        return {
            unsubscribe: () => this.subs[eventName].splice(idx, 1),

    emit(eventName: string, args: any[] = []): any[] {
        return this.subs[eventName]?.map((callback) => callback(...args)) || []

 * const emitter = new EventEmitter();
 * // Subscribe to the onClick event with onClickCallback
 * function onClickCallback() { return 99 }
 * const sub = emitter.subscribe('onClick', onClickCallback);
 * emitter.emit('onClick'); // [99]
 * sub.unsubscribe(); // undefined
 * emitter.emit('onClick'); // []

export { EventEmitter }