LeetCode in Kotlin

2653. Sliding Subarray Beauty


Given an integer array nums containing n integers, find the beauty of each subarray of size k.

The beauty of a subarray is the xth smallest integer in the subarray if it is negative, or 0 if there are fewer than x negative integers.

Return an integer array containing n - k + 1 integers, which denote the beauty of the subarrays in order from the first index in the array.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,-1,-3,-2,3], k = 3, x = 2

Output: [-1,-2,-2]

Explanation: There are 3 subarrays with size k = 3.

The first subarray is [1, -1, -3] and the 2nd smallest negative integer is -1.

The second subarray is [-1, -3, -2] and the 2nd smallest negative integer is -2.

The third subarray is [-3, -2, 3] and the 2nd smallest negative integer is -2.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [-1,-2,-3,-4,-5], k = 2, x = 2

Output: [-1,-2,-3,-4]

Explanation: There are 4 subarrays with size k = 2.

For [-1, -2], the 2nd smallest negative integer is -1.

For [-2, -3], the 2nd smallest negative integer is -2.

For [-3, -4], the 2nd smallest negative integer is -3.

For [-4, -5], the 2nd smallest negative integer is -4.

Example 3:

Input: nums = [-3,1,2,-3,0,-3], k = 2, x = 1

Output: [-3,0,-3,-3,-3]

Explanation: There are 5 subarrays with size k = 2.

For [-3, 1], the 1st smallest negative integer is -3.

For [1, 2], there is no negative integer so the beauty is 0.

For [2, -3], the 1st smallest negative integer is -3.

For [-3, 0], the 1st smallest negative integer is -3.

For [0, -3], the 1st smallest negative integer is -3.



class Solution {
    fun getSubarrayBeauty(nums: IntArray, k: Int, x: Int): IntArray {
        val freqCounter = IntArray(50)
        var index = 0
        val results = IntArray(nums.size - k + 1)
        for (i in 0 until k) {
            if (nums[i] < 0) {
                freqCounter[nums[i] + 50]++
        results[index++] = getXthSmallest(freqCounter, x)
        while (index < results.size) {
            if (nums[index - 1] < 0) {
                freqCounter[nums[index - 1] + 50]--
            if (nums[index + k - 1] < 0) {
                freqCounter[nums[index + k - 1] + 50]++
            results[index++] = getXthSmallest(freqCounter, x)
        return results

    private fun getXthSmallest(freqCounter: IntArray, x: Int): Int {
        var count = 0
        for (i in 0..49) {
            count += freqCounter[i]
            if (count >= x) {
                return i - 50
        return 0