LeetCode in Kotlin

2595. Number of Even and Odd Bits


You are given a positive integer n.

Let even denote the number of even indices in the binary representation of n (0-indexed) with value 1.

Let odd denote the number of odd indices in the binary representation of n (0-indexed) with value 1.

Return an integer array answer where answer = [even, odd].

Example 1:

Input: n = 17

Output: [2,0]


The binary representation of 17 is 10001.

It contains 1 on the 0th and 4th indices.

There are 2 even and 0 odd indices.

Example 2:

Input: n = 2

Output: [0,1]


The binary representation of 2 is 10.

It contains 1 on the 1st index.

There are 0 even and 1 odd indices.



class Solution {
    fun evenOddBit(n: Int): IntArray {
        var n = n
        var flag = 1
        var even = 0
        var odd = 0
        while (n != 0) {
            val bit = n and 1
            if (bit == 1 && flag == 1) {
            if (bit == 1 && flag != 1) {
            flag = Math.abs(flag - 1)
            n = n ushr 1
        return intArrayOf(even, odd)