LeetCode in Kotlin

2544. Alternating Digit Sum


You are given a positive integer n. Each digit of n has a sign according to the following rules:

Return the sum of all digits with their corresponding sign.

Example 1:

Input: n = 521

Output: 4

Explanation: (+5) + (-2) + (+1) = 4.

Example 2:

Input: n = 111

Output: 1

Explanation: (+1) + (-1) + (+1) = 1.

Example 3:

Input: n = 886996

Output: 0

Explanation: (+8) + (-8) + (+6) + (-9) + (+9) + (-6) = 0.



class Solution {
    fun alternateDigitSum(n: Int): Int {
        val s = Integer.toString(n)
        val arr = s.toCharArray()
        var res = 0
        for (i in arr.indices) {
            res += Math.pow(-1.0, i.toDouble()).toInt() * (arr[i].code - '0'.code)
        return res