LeetCode in Kotlin

2364. Count Number of Bad Pairs


You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums. A pair of indices (i, j) is a bad pair if i < j and j - i != nums[j] - nums[i].

Return the total number of bad pairs in nums.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [4,1,3,3]

Output: 5


The pair (0, 1) is a bad pair since 1 - 0 != 1 - 4.

The pair (0, 2) is a bad pair since 2 - 0 != 3 - 4, 2 != -1.

The pair (0, 3) is a bad pair since 3 - 0 != 3 - 4, 3 != -1.

The pair (1, 2) is a bad pair since 2 - 1 != 3 - 1, 1 != 2.

The pair (2, 3) is a bad pair since 3 - 2 != 3 - 3, 1 != 0.

There are a total of 5 bad pairs, so we return 5.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [1,2,3,4,5]

Output: 0

Explanation: There are no bad pairs.



class Solution {
    fun countBadPairs(nums: IntArray): Long {
        val seen = HashMap<Int, Int>()
        var count: Long = 0
        for (i in nums.indices) {
            val diff = i - nums[i]
            count += if (seen.containsKey(diff)) {
                (i - seen[diff]!!).toLong()
            } else {
            seen[diff] = seen.getOrDefault(diff, 0) + 1
        return count