LeetCode in Kotlin

2321. Maximum Score Of Spliced Array


You are given two 0-indexed integer arrays nums1 and nums2, both of length n.

You can choose two integers left and right where 0 <= left <= right < n and swap the subarray nums1[left...right] with the subarray nums2[left...right].

You may choose to apply the mentioned operation once or not do anything.

The score of the arrays is the maximum of sum(nums1) and sum(nums2), where sum(arr) is the sum of all the elements in the array arr.

Return the maximum possible score.

A subarray is a contiguous sequence of elements within an array. arr[left...right] denotes the subarray that contains the elements of nums between indices left and right (inclusive).

Example 1:

Input: nums1 = [60,60,60], nums2 = [10,90,10]

Output: 210

Explanation: Choosing left = 1 and right = 1, we have nums1 = [60,90,60] and nums2 = [10,60,10].

The score is max(sum(nums1), sum(nums2)) = max(210, 80) = 210.

Example 2:

Input: nums1 = [20,40,20,70,30], nums2 = [50,20,50,40,20]

Output: 220

Explanation: Choosing left = 3, right = 4, we have nums1 = [20,40,20,40,20] and nums2 = [50,20,50,70,30].

The score is max(sum(nums1), sum(nums2)) = max(140, 220) = 220.

Example 3:

Input: nums1 = [7,11,13], nums2 = [1,1,1]

Output: 31

Explanation: We choose not to swap any subarray.

The score is max(sum(nums1), sum(nums2)) = max(31, 3) = 31.



class Solution {
    fun maximumsSplicedArray(nums1: IntArray, nums2: IntArray): Int {
        var nums1 = nums1
        var nums2 = nums2
        var sum1 = 0
        var sum2 = 0
        val n = nums1.size
        for (num in nums1) {
            sum1 += num
        for (num in nums2) {
            sum2 += num
        if (sum2 > sum1) {
            val temp = sum2
            sum2 = sum1
            sum1 = temp
            val temparr = nums2
            nums2 = nums1
            nums1 = temparr
        // now sum1>=sum2
        // maxEndingHere denotes the maximum sum subarray ending at current index(ie. element at
        // current index has to be included)
        // minEndingHere denotes the minimum sum subarray ending at current index
        var maxEndingHere: Int
        var minEndingHere: Int
        var maxSoFar: Int
        var minSoFar: Int
        var currEle: Int
        minSoFar = nums2[0] - nums1[0]
        maxSoFar = minSoFar
        minEndingHere = maxSoFar
        maxEndingHere = minEndingHere
        for (i in 1 until n) {
            currEle = nums2[i] - nums1[i]
            minEndingHere += currEle
            maxEndingHere += currEle
            if (maxEndingHere < currEle) {
                maxEndingHere = currEle
            if (minEndingHere > currEle) {
                minEndingHere = currEle
            maxSoFar = maxEndingHere.coerceAtLeast(maxSoFar)
            minSoFar = minEndingHere.coerceAtMost(minSoFar)
        // return the maximum of the 2 possibilities dicussed
        // also keep care that maxSoFar>=0 and maxSoFar<=0
        return (sum1 + maxSoFar.coerceAtLeast(0)).coerceAtLeast(sum2 - 0.coerceAtMost(minSoFar))