LeetCode in Kotlin

1960. Maximum Product of the Length of Two Palindromic Substrings


You are given a 0-indexed string s and are tasked with finding two non-intersecting palindromic substrings of odd length such that the product of their lengths is maximized.

More formally, you want to choose four integers i, j, k, l such that 0 <= i <= j < k <= l < s.length and both the substrings s[i...j] and s[k...l] are palindromes and have odd lengths. s[i...j] denotes a substring from index i to index j inclusive.

Return the maximum possible product of the lengths of the two non-intersecting palindromic substrings.

A palindrome is a string that is the same forward and backward. A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters in a string.

Example 1:

Input: s = “ababbb”

Output: 9

Explanation: Substrings “aba” and “bbb” are palindromes with odd length. product = 3 * 3 = 9.

Example 2:

Input: s = “zaaaxbbby”

Output: 9

Explanation: Substrings “aaa” and “bbb” are palindromes with odd length. product = 3 * 3 = 9.



class Solution {
    fun maxProduct(s: String): Long {
        val n = s.length
        if (n == 2) {
            return 1
        val len = manaCherS(s)
        val left = LongArray(n)
        var max = 1
        left[0] = max.toLong()
        for (i in 1..n - 1) {
            if (len[(i - max - 1 + i) / 2] > max) {
                max += 2
            left[i] = max.toLong()
        max = 1
        val right = LongArray(n)
        right[n - 1] = max.toLong()
        for (i in n - 2 downTo 0) {
            if (len[(i + max + 1 + i) / 2] > max) {
                max += 2
            right[i] = max.toLong()
        var res: Long = 1
        for (i in 1 until n) {
            res = Math.max(res, left[i - 1] * right[i])
        return res

    private fun manaCherS(s: String): IntArray {
        val len = s.length
        val p = IntArray(len)
        var c = 0
        var r = 0
        for (i in 0 until len) {
            val mirror = 2 * c - i
            if (i < r) {
                p[i] = Math.min(r - i, p[mirror])
            var a = i + (1 + p[i])
            var b = i - (1 + p[i])
            while (a < len && b >= 0 && s[a] == s[b]) {
            if (i + p[i] > r) {
                c = i
                r = i + p[i]
        for (i in 0 until len) {
            p[i] = 1 + 2 * p[i]
        return p