LeetCode in Kotlin

1910. Remove All Occurrences of a Substring


Given two strings s and part, perform the following operation on s until all occurrences of the substring part are removed:

Return s after removing all occurrences of part.

A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters in a string.

Example 1:

Input: s = “daabcbaabcbc”, part = “abc”

Output: “dab”

Explanation: The following operations are done:

Example 2:

Input: s = “axxxxyyyyb”, part = “xy”

Output: “ab”

Explanation: The following operations are done:



class Solution {
    fun removeOccurrences(s: String, part: String): String {
        val sb = StringBuilder()
        for (i in 0 until s.length) {
            if (sb.length >= part.length && sb.substring(sb.length - part.length) == part) {
                sb.setLength(sb.length - part.length)
        return sb.toString()