LeetCode in Kotlin

1904. The Number of Full Rounds You Have Played


You are participating in an online chess tournament. There is a chess round that starts every 15 minutes. The first round of the day starts at 00:00, and after every 15 minutes, a new round starts.

You are given two strings loginTime and logoutTime where:

If logoutTime is earlier than loginTime, this means you have played from loginTime to midnight and from midnight to logoutTime.

Return the number of full chess rounds you have played in the tournament.

Note: All the given times follow the 24-hour clock. That means the first round of the day starts at 00:00 and the last round of the day starts at 23:45.

Example 1:

Input: loginTime = “09:31”, logoutTime = “10:14”

Output: 1


You played one full round from 09:45 to 10:00. You did not play the full round from 09:30 to 09:45 because you logged in at 09:31 after it began.

You did not play the full round from 10:00 to 10:15 because you logged out at 10:14 before it ended.

Example 2:

Input: loginTime = “21:30”, logoutTime = “03:00”

Output: 22

Explanation: You played 10 full rounds from 21:30 to 00:00 and 12 full rounds from 00:00 to 03:00. 10 + 12 = 22.



class Solution {
    fun numberOfRounds(loginTime: String, logoutTime: String): Int {
        var loginSerializeTime = serializeTime(loginTime)
        var logoutSerializeTime = serializeTime(logoutTime)
        if (logoutSerializeTime - 14 < loginSerializeTime &&
            logoutSerializeTime > loginSerializeTime
        ) {
            return 0
        loginSerializeTime = maskSerializeTime(loginSerializeTime, 14)
        logoutSerializeTime = maskSerializeTime(logoutSerializeTime, 0)
        if (loginSerializeTime == logoutSerializeTime) {
            return 0
        return if (loginSerializeTime > logoutSerializeTime + 14) {
                calculateFullRounds(loginSerializeTime, MID_NIGHT_END) +
                    calculateFullRounds(MID_NIGHT_START, logoutSerializeTime)
        } else calculateFullRounds(loginSerializeTime, logoutSerializeTime)

    private fun maskSerializeTime(serializeTime: Int, mask: Int): Int {
        return (serializeTime + mask) / ROUND_INTERVAL * ROUND_INTERVAL

    private fun serializeTime(time: String): Int {
        return time.substring(0, 2).toInt() * 60 + time.substring(3, 5).toInt()

    private fun calculateFullRounds(login: Int, logout: Int): Int {
        return (logout - login) / ROUND_INTERVAL

    companion object {
        private const val MID_NIGHT_END = 1440
        private const val MID_NIGHT_START = 0
        private const val ROUND_INTERVAL = 15