LeetCode in Kotlin

1834. Single-Threaded CPU


You are given n tasks labeled from 0 to n - 1 represented by a 2D integer array tasks, where tasks[i] = [enqueueTimei, processingTimei] means that the ith task will be available to process at enqueueTimei and will take processingTimei to finish processing.

You have a single-threaded CPU that can process at most one task at a time and will act in the following way:

Return the order in which the CPU will process the tasks.

Example 1:

Input: tasks = [[1,2],[2,4],[3,2],[4,1]]

Output: [0,2,3,1]

Explanation: The events go as follows:

Example 2:

Input: tasks = [[7,10],[7,12],[7,5],[7,4],[7,2]]

Output: [4,3,2,0,1]

Explanation: The events go as follows:



import java.util.PriorityQueue

class Solution {
    fun getOrder(tasks1: Array<IntArray>): IntArray {
        val n = tasks1.size
        val tasks = Array(n) { IntArray(3) }
        for (i in 0 until n) {
            tasks[i] = intArrayOf(tasks1[i][0], tasks1[i][1], i)
        tasks.sortWith(compareBy { a: IntArray -> a[0] })
        val minHeap = PriorityQueue(
            Comparator { a: IntArray, b: IntArray ->
                return@Comparator if (a[1] == b[1]) {
                    a[2] - b[2]
                } else {
                    a[1] - b[1]
        var time = tasks[0][0]
        val taskOrderResult = IntArray(n)
        var i = 0
        var index = 0
        while (minHeap.isNotEmpty() || i < n) {
            while (i < n && time >= tasks[i][0]) {
            if (minHeap.isNotEmpty()) {
                val task = minHeap.remove()
                taskOrderResult[index++] = task[2]
                time += task[1]
            } else {
                time = tasks[i][0]
        return taskOrderResult