LeetCode in Kotlin

1797. Design Authentication Manager


There is an authentication system that works with authentication tokens. For each session, the user will receive a new authentication token that will expire timeToLive seconds after the currentTime. If the token is renewed, the expiry time will be extended to expire timeToLive seconds after the (potentially different) currentTime.

Implement the AuthenticationManager class:

Note that if a token expires at time t, and another action happens on time t (renew or countUnexpiredTokens), the expiration takes place before the other actions.

Example 1:


[“AuthenticationManager”, “renew”, “generate”, “countUnexpiredTokens”, “generate”, “renew”, “renew”, “countUnexpiredTokens”]

[[5], [“aaa”, 1], [“aaa”, 2], [6], [“bbb”, 7], [“aaa”, 8], [“bbb”, 10], [15]]

Output: [null, null, null, 1, null, null, null, 0]


AuthenticationManager authenticationManager = new AuthenticationManager(5); // Constructs the AuthenticationManager with timeToLive = 5 seconds.

authenticationManager.renew(“aaa”, 1); // No token exists with tokenId “aaa” at time 1, so nothing happens.

authenticationManager.generate(“aaa”, 2); // Generates a new token with tokenId “aaa” at time 2.

authenticationManager.countUnexpiredTokens(6); // The token with tokenId “aaa” is the only unexpired one at time 6, so return 1.

authenticationManager.generate(“bbb”, 7); // Generates a new token with tokenId “bbb” at time 7.

authenticationManager.renew(“aaa”, 8); // The token with tokenId “aaa” expired at time 7, and 8 >= 7, so at time 8 the renew request is ignored, and nothing happens.

authenticationManager.renew(“bbb”, 10); // The token with tokenId “bbb” is unexpired at time 10, so the renew request is fulfilled and now the token will expire at time 15.

authenticationManager.countUnexpiredTokens(15); // The token with tokenId “bbb” expires at time 15, and the token with tokenId “aaa” expired at time 7, so currently no token is unexpired, so return 0.



import java.util.ArrayDeque
import java.util.Deque

class AuthenticationManager(var timeToLive: Int) {
    private var expireMap: MutableMap<String, Int> = HashMap()
    private var deque: Deque<Item> = ArrayDeque()

    fun generate(tokenId: String, currentTime: Int) {
        expireMap[tokenId] = currentTime + timeToLive
        deque.offerLast(Item(tokenId, currentTime + timeToLive))

    fun renew(tokenId: String, currentTime: Int) {
        if (expireMap.containsKey(tokenId)) {
            deque.offerLast(Item(tokenId, currentTime + timeToLive))
            expireMap[tokenId] = currentTime + timeToLive

    fun countUnexpiredTokens(currentTime: Int): Int {
        return expireMap.size

    private fun update(curTime: Int) {
        while (deque.isNotEmpty() && deque.peekFirst().time <= curTime) {
            val id = deque.peekFirst().id
            val time = deque.peekFirst().time
            if (expireMap.containsKey(id) && expireMap[id] == time) {
            } else {

    private class Item(var id: String, var time: Int)
 * Your AuthenticationManager object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * var obj = AuthenticationManager(timeToLive)
 * obj.generate(tokenId,currentTime)
 * obj.renew(tokenId,currentTime)
 * var param_3 = obj.countUnexpiredTokens(currentTime)