LeetCode in Kotlin

1739. Building Boxes


You have a cubic storeroom where the width, length, and height of the room are all equal to n units. You are asked to place n boxes in this room where each box is a cube of unit side length. There are however some rules to placing the boxes:

Given an integer n, return the minimum possible number of boxes touching the floor.

Example 1:

Input: n = 3

Output: 3

Explanation: The figure above is for the placement of the three boxes. These boxes are placed in the corner of the room, where the corner is on the left side.

Example 2:

Input: n = 4

Output: 3

Explanation: The figure above is for the placement of the four boxes. These boxes are placed in the corner of the room, where the corner is on the left side.

Example 3:

Input: n = 10

Output: 6

Explanation: The figure above is for the placement of the ten boxes. These boxes are placed in the corner of the room, where the corner is on the back side.



class Solution {
    fun minimumBoxes(n: Int): Int {
        val k: Int = findLargestTetrahedralNotGreaterThan(n)
        val used: Int = tetrahedral(k)
        val floor: Int = triangular(k)
        val unused: Int = (n - used)
        if (unused == 0) {
            return floor
        val r: Int = findSmallestTriangularNotLessThan(unused)
        return (floor + r)

    private fun findLargestTetrahedralNotGreaterThan(te: Int): Int {
        var a: Int = Math.ceil(Math.pow(product(6, te.toLong()).toDouble(), ONE_THIRD)).toInt()
        while (tetrahedral(a) > te) {
        return a

    private fun findSmallestTriangularNotLessThan(t: Int): Int {
        var a: Int = -1 + Math.floor(Math.sqrt(product(t.toLong(), 2).toDouble())).toInt()
        while (triangular(a) < t) {
        return a

    private fun tetrahedral(a: Int): Int {
        return ratio(product(a.toLong(), (a + 1).toLong(), (a + 2).toLong()), 6).toInt()

    private fun triangular(a: Int): Int {
        return ratio(product(a.toLong(), (a + 1).toLong()), 2).toInt()

    private fun product(vararg vals: Long): Long {
        var product: Long = 1L
        for (`val`: Long in vals) {
            product *= `val`
        return product

    private fun ratio(a: Long, b: Long): Long {
        return (a / b)

    companion object {
        val ONE_THIRD: Double = 1.0 / 3.0