LeetCode in Kotlin

1738. Find Kth Largest XOR Coordinate Value


You are given a 2D matrix of size m x n, consisting of non-negative integers. You are also given an integer k.

The value of coordinate (a, b) of the matrix is the XOR of all matrix[i][j] where 0 <= i <= a < m and 0 <= j <= b < n (0-indexed).

Find the kth largest value (1-indexed) of all the coordinates of matrix.

Example 1:

Input: matrix = [[5,2],[1,6]], k = 1

Output: 7

Explanation: The value of coordinate (0,1) is 5 XOR 2 = 7, which is the largest value.

Example 2:

Input: matrix = [[5,2],[1,6]], k = 2

Output: 5

Explanation: The value of coordinate (0,0) is 5 = 5, which is the 2nd largest value.

Example 3:

Input: matrix = [[5,2],[1,6]], k = 3

Output: 4

Explanation: The value of coordinate (1,0) is 5 XOR 1 = 4, which is the 3rd largest value.



class Solution {
    fun kthLargestValue(matrix: Array<IntArray>, k: Int): Int {
        var t = 0
        val rows: Int = matrix.size
        val cols: Int = matrix[0].size
        val prefixXor: Array<IntArray> = Array(rows + 1) { IntArray(cols + 1) }
        val array = IntArray(rows * cols)
        for (r in 1..rows) {
            for (c in 1..cols) {
                prefixXor[r][c] = (
                    matrix[r - 1][c - 1]
                        xor prefixXor[r - 1][c]
                        xor prefixXor[r][c - 1]
                        xor prefixXor[r - 1][c - 1]
                array[t++] = prefixXor[r][c]
        val target: Int = array.size - k
        quickSelect(array, 0, array.size - 1, target)
        return array[target]

    private fun quickSelect(array: IntArray, left: Int, right: Int, target: Int): Int {
        if (left == right) {
            return left
        val pivot: Int = array[right]
        var j: Int = left
        var k: Int = right - 1
        while (j <= k) {
            if (array[j] < pivot) {
            } else if (array[k] > pivot) {
            } else {
                swap(array, j++, k--)
        swap(array, j, right)
        return if (j == target) {
        } else if (j > target) {
            quickSelect(array, left, j - 1, target)
        } else {
            quickSelect(array, j + 1, right, target)

    private fun swap(array: IntArray, i: Int, j: Int) {
        val tmp: Int = array[i]
        array[i] = array[j]
        array[j] = tmp