LeetCode in Kotlin

1654. Minimum Jumps to Reach Home


A certain bug’s home is on the x-axis at position x. Help them get there from position 0.

The bug jumps according to the following rules:

The bug may jump forward beyond its home, but it cannot jump to positions numbered with negative integers.

Given an array of integers forbidden, where forbidden[i] means that the bug cannot jump to the position forbidden[i], and integers a, b, and x, return the minimum number of jumps needed for the bug to reach its home. If there is no possible sequence of jumps that lands the bug on position x, return -1.

Example 1:

Input: forbidden = [14,4,18,1,15], a = 3, b = 15, x = 9

Output: 3

Explanation: 3 jumps forward (0 -> 3 -> 6 -> 9) will get the bug home.

Example 2:

Input: forbidden = [8,3,16,6,12,20], a = 15, b = 13, x = 11

Output: -1

Example 3:

Input: forbidden = [1,6,2,14,5,17,4], a = 16, b = 9, x = 7

Output: 2

Explanation: One jump forward (0 -> 16) then one jump backward (16 -> 7) will get the bug home.



import java.util.LinkedList
import java.util.Queue

class Solution {
    private class Pair(var i: Int, var backward: Boolean)

    fun minimumJumps(forbidden: IntArray, a: Int, b: Int, x: Int): Int {
        val limit = 2000 + 2 * b + 1
        val v = BooleanArray(limit)
        for (num in forbidden) {
            v[num] = true
        var step = 0
        val q: Queue<Pair> = LinkedList()
        q.add(Pair(0, false))
        v[0] = true
        while (q.isNotEmpty()) {
            val size = q.size
            for (i in 0 until size) {
                val c = q.poll()
                if (c.i == x) {
                    return step
                if (!c.backward) {
                    val backward = c.i - b
                    if (backward == x) {
                        return step + 1
                    if (backward > 0 && !v[backward]) {
                        q.offer(Pair(backward, true))
                        v[backward] = true
                val forward = c.i + a
                if (forward == x) {
                    return step + 1
                if (forward < limit && !v[forward]) {
                    q.offer(Pair(forward, false))
                    v[forward] = true
        return -1