You are given an array of words
where each word consists of lowercase English letters.
is a predecessor of wordB
if and only if we can insert exactly one letter anywhere in wordA
without changing the order of the other characters to make it equal to wordB
is a predecessor of "abac"
, while "cba"
is not a predecessor of "bcad"
.A word chain is a sequence of words [word1, word2, ..., wordk]
with k >= 1
, where word1
is a predecessor of word2
, word2
is a predecessor of word3
, and so on. A single word is trivially a word chain with k == 1
Return the length of the longest possible word chain with words chosen from the given list of words
Example 1:
Input: words = [“a”,”b”,”ba”,”bca”,”bda”,”bdca”]
Output: 4
Explanation:: One of the longest word chains is [“a”,”ba”,”bda”,”bdca”].
Example 2:
Input: words = [“xbc”,”pcxbcf”,”xb”,”cxbc”,”pcxbc”]
Output: 5
Explanation: All the words can be put in a word chain [“xb”, “xbc”, “cxbc”, “pcxbc”, “pcxbcf”].
Example 3:
Input: words = [“abcd”,”dbqca”]
Output: 1
Explanation: The trivial word chain [“abcd”] is one of the longest word chains. [“abcd”,”dbqca”] is not a valid word chain because the ordering of the letters is changed.
1 <= words.length <= 1000
1 <= words[i].length <= 16
only consists of lowercase English letters.class Solution {
fun longestStrChain(words: Array<String>): Int {
val lenStr = arrayOfNulls<MutableList<String>?>(20)
for (word in words) {
val len = word.length
if (lenStr[len] == null) {
lenStr[len] = ArrayList()
val longest: MutableMap<String?, Int?> = HashMap()
var max = 0
for (s in words) {
max = findLongest(s, lenStr, longest).coerceAtLeast(max)
return max
private fun findLongest(
word: String,
lenStr: Array<MutableList<String>?>,
longest: MutableMap<String?, Int?>,
): Int {
if (longest.containsKey(word)) {
return longest[word]!!
val len = word.length
val words: List<String>? = lenStr[len + 1]
if (words == null) {
longest[word] = 1
return 1
var max = 0
var i: Int
var j: Int
for (w in words) {
i = 0
j = 0
while (i < len && j - i <= 1) {
if (word[i] == w[j++]) {
if (j - i <= 1) {
max = findLongest(w, lenStr, longest).coerceAtLeast(max)
longest[word] = max
return max