LeetCode in Kotlin

831. Masking Personal Information


You are given a personal information string s, representing either an email address or a phone number. Return the masked personal information using the below rules.

Email address:

An email address is:

To mask an email:

Phone number:

A phone number is formatted as follows:

To mask a phone number:

Example 1:

Input: s = “LeetCode@LeetCode.com”

Output: “l*****e@leetcode.com”

Explanation: s is an email address.

The name and domain are converted to lowercase, and the middle of the name is replaced by 5 asterisks.

Example 2:

Input: s = “AB@qq.com”

Output: “a*****b@qq.com”

Explanation: s is an email address.

The name and domain are converted to lowercase, and the middle of the name is replaced by 5 asterisks.

Note that even though “ab” is 2 characters, it still must have 5 asterisks in the middle.

Example 3:

Input: s = “1(234)567-890”

Output: “***-***-7890”

Explanation: s is a phone number.

There are 10 digits, so the local number is 10 digits and the country code is 0 digits.

Thus, the resulting masked number is “***-***-7890”.



class Solution {
    fun maskPII(s: String): String {
        val masked = StringBuilder()
        return if (Character.isAlphabetic(s[0].code)) {
            val locationOfAtSymbol = s.indexOf("@") - 1
        } else {
            val allDigits = StringBuilder()
            var pointer = -1
            while (++pointer < s.length) {
                if (Character.isDigit(s[pointer])) {
            val numDigits = allDigits.length
            if (numDigits == 11) {
            } else if (numDigits == 12) {
            } else if (numDigits == 13) {
            masked.append("***-***-").append(allDigits.substring(numDigits - 4))