You are given an integer array nums
with no duplicates. A maximum binary tree can be built recursively from nums
using the following algorithm:
.Return the maximum binary tree built from nums
Example 1:
Input: nums = [3,2,1,6,0,5]
Output: [6,3,5,null,2,0,null,null,1]
Explanation: The recursive calls are as follow:
The largest value in [3,2,1,6,0,5] is 6. Left prefix is [3,2,1] and right suffix is [0,5].
The largest value in [3,2,1] is 3. Left prefix is [] and right suffix is [2,1].
Empty array, so no child.
The largest value in [2,1] is 2. Left prefix is [] and right suffix is [1].
Empty array, so no child.
Only one element, so child is a node with value 1.
The largest value in [0,5] is 5. Left prefix is [0] and right suffix is [].
Only one element, so child is a node with value 0.
Empty array, so no child.
Example 2:
Input: nums = [3,2,1]
Output: [3,null,2,null,1]
1 <= nums.length <= 1000
0 <= nums[i] <= 1000
are unique.import com_github_leetcode.TreeNode
* Example:
* var ti = TreeNode(5)
* var v = ti.`val`
* Definition for a binary tree node.
* class TreeNode(var `val`: Int) {
* var left: TreeNode? = null
* var right: TreeNode? = null
* }
class Solution {
fun constructMaximumBinaryTree(nums: IntArray): TreeNode? {
return mbt(nums, 0, nums.size - 1)
private fun mbt(nums: IntArray, l: Int, r: Int): TreeNode? {
if (l > r || l >= nums.size || r < 0) {
return null
if (l == r) {
return TreeNode(nums[r])
var max = Int.MIN_VALUE
var maxidx = 0
for (i in l..r) {
if (nums[i] > max) {
max = nums[i]
maxidx = i
val root = TreeNode(max)
root.left = mbt(nums, l, maxidx - 1)
root.right = mbt(nums, maxidx + 1, r)
return root