Given a collection of candidate numbers (candidates
) and a target number (target
), find all unique combinations in candidates
where the candidate numbers sum to target
Each number in candidates
may only be used once in the combination.
Note: The solution set must not contain duplicate combinations.
Example 1:
Input: candidates = [10,1,2,7,6,1,5], target = 8
Output: [ [1,1,6], [1,2,5], [1,7], [2,6] ]
Example 2:
Input: candidates = [2,5,2,1,2], target = 5
Output: [ [1,2,2], [5] ]
1 <= candidates.length <= 100
1 <= candidates[i] <= 50
1 <= target <= 30
import java.util.LinkedList
class Solution {
fun combinationSum2(candidates: IntArray, target: Int): List<List<Int>> {
val sums: MutableList<List<Int>> = ArrayList()
// optimize
combinationSum(candidates, target, 0, sums, LinkedList())
return sums
private fun combinationSum(
candidates: IntArray,
target: Int,
start: Int,
sums: MutableList<List<Int>>,
sum: LinkedList<Int>,
) {
if (target == 0) {
// make a deep copy of the current combination
var i = start
while (i < candidates.size && target >= candidates[i]) {
// If candidate[i] equals candidate[i-1], then solutions for i is subset of
// solution of i-1
if (i == start || i > start && candidates[i] != candidates[i - 1]) {
// call on 'i+1' (not i) to avoid duplicate usage of same element
combinationSum(candidates, target - candidates[i], i + 1, sums, sum)