Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.
A sudoku solution must satisfy all of the following rules:
must occur exactly once in each row.1-9
must occur exactly once in each column.1-9
must occur exactly once in each of the 9 3x3
sub-boxes of the grid.The '.'
character indicates empty cells.
Example 1:
Input: board = [[“5”,”3”,”.”,”.”,”7”,”.”,”.”,”.”,”.”],
Output: [[“5”,”3”,”4”,”6”,”7”,”8”,”9”,”1”,”2”],
Explanation: The input board is shown above and the only valid solution is shown below:
board.length == 9
board[i].length == 9
is a digit or '.'
.class Solution {
private val emptyCells: MutableList<IntArray> = ArrayList()
private val rows = IntArray(9)
private val cols = IntArray(9)
private val boxes = IntArray(9)
fun solveSudoku(board: Array<CharArray>) {
for (r in 0..8) {
for (c in 0..8) {
if (board[r][c] == '.') {
emptyCells.add(intArrayOf(r, c))
} else {
val `val` = board[r][c] - '0'
val boxPos = r / 3 * 3 + c / 3
rows[r] = rows[r] or (1 shl `val`)
cols[c] = cols[c] or (1 shl `val`)
boxes[boxPos] = boxes[boxPos] or (1 shl `val`)
backtracking(board, 0)
private fun backtracking(board: Array<CharArray>, i: Int): Boolean {
// Check if we filled all empty cells?
if (i == emptyCells.size) {
return true
val r = emptyCells[i][0]
val c = emptyCells[i][1]
val boxPos = r / 3 * 3 + c / 3
for (`val` in 1..9) {
// skip if that value is existed!
if (hasBit(rows[r], `val`) || hasBit(cols[c], `val`) || hasBit(boxes[boxPos], `val`)) {
board[r][c] = ('0' + `val`)
// backup old values
val oldRow = rows[r]
val oldCol = cols[c]
val oldBox = boxes[boxPos]
rows[r] = rows[r] or (1 shl `val`)
cols[c] = cols[c] or (1 shl `val`)
boxes[boxPos] = boxes[boxPos] or (1 shl `val`)
if (backtracking(board, i + 1)) {
return true
rows[r] = oldRow
cols[c] = oldCol
boxes[boxPos] = oldBox
return false
private fun hasBit(x: Int, k: Int): Boolean {
return x shr k and 1 == 1